
At the moment I am no longer doing my workshops. Hopefully, I may again in the future. Thanks for your interest and support in the past.

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  1. 2009 July 5

    Was thrilled to run into your blog. I am an artist & adore books. Made a toy theater in a book and here is the link: and you can see all I had available was box hardware. I have actually been playing with faux clasps for decorative purposes by embossing brass, & gluing it to wood. The altered books are very hard to do but they are very unique. The “stage” in the back of the book is on a sheet magnet, so that the little characters stick to it. I am still what you would call a hand-to-mouth subsistence artist but love the work. I doubt I would soon have the means to take a class with you, but I just love your work and the fact that you keep this great tradition alive. I have a good library myself, and I think when I do an altered book piece it’s really all about my love of books. Thank you for taking the trouble to create this blog!

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