
2011 April 26
by JM

Obviously, I have been absent for some time. Family health issues have required that I focus my attention elsewhere. I have had little time to pursue the book binding and clasp making as I have in the past and it is unlikely that I will be doing any new workshops in the near future. I apologize for not responding to comments and inquiries.

I will be leaving this site up in the hope that others may still benefit.  If I ever have time, I hope to update again. Depending on the job, it is possible that I may take some commissions for clasp restoration, repair or replication. And I have some thoughts for some other clasp related projects and/or ventures.

Thanks to the bookbinding community and to the internet community for all your encouragement and support over the years.

I continue to maintain my original jewelry business, primarily selling jewelry on Etsy now.

In addition, we well books on eBay, and antiques and collectibles in the Edgewater Antique Mall in Chicago, IL.

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